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A poorly evidence-based psychiatry for Eve (FULL TEXT – PDF)
E. Sacchetti, C. Mencacci
Original Article
Risk elements for mental health in the medical profession: a comparison between Psychiatrists, Internists and Surgeons (FULL TEXT – PDF)
G. Favaretto, M. Marvilly, A. Preti
Short Articles
Metabolic syndrome and cardiometabolic risk among patients with severe mental illness from an Italian Community Mental Health Service (FULL TEXT – PDF)
G. Cerveri, C. Gesi, A. Omboni, G. Migliarese, S. Vender, C. Mencacci
ADHD: the dark side of eating disorders (FULL TEXT – PDF)
S. Pallanti, L. Salerno
Oral lurasidone for people with schizophrenia: clinical practice recommendations emerging from a review of the literature (FULL TEXT – PDF)
E. Sacchetti, A. Vita